It's been a busy week with no stamping time (so far!) ... just had to check in - no better way to say "I'm still here!" than to brag about my kiddo, right?! This morning my daughter Allie was awarded Student of the Month for Outstanding Performance in Visual & Performing Arts for the second year in a row + Rotary Student of the Month
at her high school! Allie is having a great senior year and it's going WAY too fast! It's been a crazy busy week! I'll have more to post Friday night and throughout the weekend!
Off to bed ... I attended the first grade field trip today ... VERY HOT & EXHAUSTING!
And PROUD you should be!!! HUGE congrats to Allie. She's also a beautiful young lady!! Kind of looks like her Mom!! Brag away Mom ... you have the right!!
As a Mom you have earned and deserve the right to boast about your kids.
Congratulations Allie on you achievment.
CONGRATULATIONS SWEET ALLIE! You are SO DESERVING of this! I'm so proud of you, too!! Way to go out your senior year with a BANG!
God bless,
Nothing makes a mom happier than to see her kids do great things. Congrats Nancy and your daughter! Have a blast on your field trip. Don't melt :0)
Congrats to Allie! How fabulous for her (& for you that she'll still stand for a picture). My daughter is a senior this year too & it is going by so fast. The college search is really slapping us into reality.
Oh Nancy, how exciting for Allie! Of course you should be pround and boast about it...that's what Mom's do ;)
Congrats to Allie, way to go - you can brag, your her momma!!!! And, she is beautiful, looks just like you! *STAMPIN HUGS* Alex
My goodness Nanc, she looks just like you! Aren't they amazing! They keep just getting better hey! I was going to put a shot of Joely on my blog with her school photos but haven't gotten them yet! She has been so sick lately, darn cold! Going on 3 weeks so we are off to the dr today. Congrats to your beautiful daughter!
Congratulations, Allie! that's awesome, Nancy! You must be so proud! She looks just like her beautiful mama!
Oh Nancy congrats to your dd. I also have a dd who is a Senior this year and yes the time is just flying by. I can not wait to see all the fall creations. Have a great weekend and TFS.
Debbie/Phx AZ
How wonderful! I'm glad you share stuff like this with us :) Makes me want to cry!! LOL must be an Arizona thing....go look at my post for today and you will see why.
Way to go girl!!! keep up the great work!!! Mom you have every right to be a proud momma.
Congratulations to Allie!! You surely have bragging rights, Nancy!! And what a beautiful young lady she is too!!
What a beautiful daughter, but that's no surprise!!! Loved seeing all the photos of projects your friends made at your gathering -- very cool!!! How fun it must have been!
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