Allie is in the midst of her senior marching band season, and is at a band competition tonight. Last weekend, they received a rating of Excellent, and were awarded all their captions but one. Their show is really coming along! I just LOVE watching those kids perform!
You may remember me mentioning my foot problems that started the first part of August ... OR, if you're a local friend, you've watched me hobble, gimp, or walk with my left foot in tip toe position for two months! Thinking I could baby my foot myself and live with what I thought was plantar faciitis, I put off seeing a doctor for it until Thursday! (I know, I know ... ridiculous! ... I'm kind of stubborn that way!) The pain has become unbearable, and I know I'm screwing up other parts of my body by walking funny for so long. Come to find out, I have a heel spur and am starting physical therapy on Tuesday. If by three sessions, there's no improvement we'll be considering a cortisone shot or surgery. I understand that the cortizone shot in the heel is pure torture, and surgery is no piece of cake either (4-6 weeks on crutches). UGHHH!
HAPPY BIRTHDAY DREW!!!!! Hope you all have a fun weekend celebrating! Your kids are adorable, Nancy. You are an AWESOME MOM to your kids!! :)
Keep me posted on the foot progress!!
fyi: cortiSone :)
good luck!
Happy Birthday Drew!! (and just so you know, I like the shaggy hair!!!). Nancy, keep me posted on the foot - remember I'm a PT so I'd be interested to hear what they're doing. PT won't get rid of a heel spur, but it can definitely help with the symptoms IF they're doing the right things. Ask about iontophoresis. I've had {some} luck with that with heel spurs - worth trying anyway. Good Luck!
Ummmm, yes, cortisone in the heel is torture! Been there done that. BUT....after I got over the pain, I never had any more trouble with my foot again! It will work and hopefully forever! Good luck!
Happy Birthday to your handsome boy! Sorry to hear about your foot - I hope it goes well!
Happy Birthday to Drew! What a handsome young man! Mom...lol...hair like that is "in" or I'm told it is...lol
I have a friend that has a heel spur too, it comes and goes, mostly during baseball season while she plays. Another friend must have the same thing and is going for a cortisone shot in a couple of weeks. Hope you get all fixed up REAL soon my friend....hugs to you!
Hi Nancy,
We all adore your stamping creations, but it's also a joy to hear about your family.
Happy Birthday to your son Drew! I'm with you on the long hair, but it's the style. :) What's so special is that he has all the other positive attributes you mentioned. That's a blessing!
I'm so sorry to hear about your foot problems. How miserable. It's a good thing you decided to see a dr and hopefully the treatment will take care of it without surgery. Wishing you all the best dear blog friend. Smiles, Pam :)
I love to hear about your family!! You have one handsome son and I, for one, like the hair!!! LOL! I'm sorry to hear about your foot problems....
i had the cortisone shoe and it does hurt but only for a minute. i walked out of the dr. office like a "human" and the pain was gone for 4 months. i went back for one more shot and have been pain free for 2 years. the shot was so worth the pain that there was no doubt in my mind that i would get the second one even though i knew what was coming! good luck!
Happy birthday to Drew! Sounds like someone I'd like my 14 year old daughter to date. Hehehe.
Nancy, I'm like you and don't get into the doctor like I should. I just saw a podiatrist and have plantars facitis. I guess it can turn into a heel spur. Just an FYI for next time. I hope the physical therapy works for you.
I have heel spurs that look like a unicorn horn growing towards my toes. My doctor had me get some heel inserts and that worked wonders. I now have orthotics in my shoes. I have always heard that if you get rid of one spur ten come back.
What a handsome young man! Happy Birthday Drew!!
Hope your foot problem gets better quickly with the least amount of pain!!
Happy B-day Drew...
hOld on tight mom those sweet kids will be al grown up and gone before you know it.. I am in that same reality boat... I remember when my kids were toddlers and I though I can't wait until they all grow up... now my oldest will be 16 soon and I am so sad that he in reality will most likely be gone into the world in just a few years.... The hair issue. I feel your pain.. My oldest loves longer hair and I think I have him in my court a least for a trim and then someone says I love your hair... and Square one again.. My 13yr old like short hair... Yippee!!
Hope you had a great day Drew.
PT and cortisone shots may help but surgery is not necessary. I have been treated for gigantic spurs on each foot and the procedure they use today is called electromagnetic shock wave therapy. It's painless, takes about an hour and will leave you pain free. Ask your podiatrist about it.
What a handsome young man you have here! Happy Birthday to Drew! My son Zach will be 14 next month and I'm totally with you on the hair thing too, lol! I hear "mom that's how all the guys wear their hair" from him. Congrats to your daughter on her marching band award, that's wonderful!
I hope your therapy sessions help for your foot because the other options don't sound like fun at all!
OH MY! I hate to hear about your foot pains! Good luck! Your son is so adorable (I know, not the word for a 14 year old) I'm freaking out that my son just turned 5, I can't imagine the basketcase I'll be at 14. haha! congrats to your daughter's marching band!
I'm also dealing with plantar facitis and had a cortisone shot in my foot. My doctor numbed the site ON THE SIDE OF MY FOOT ON THE HEEL SIDE OF THE ARCH with a topical anesthetic, and then injected the cortisone in the side. I had absolutely no pain. I also find that when I stretch my foot/Achilles tendon by standing with the balls of my feet on the edge of the steps and letting my heels drop. I've been able to wear sandals or go barefoot all summer with that stretch. I hope this helps!
Nancy, tell Drew in Canada we call that Hockey Hair, and it is very popular!! Especially with the girls...is that too soon for him?? LOL What is with your foot? I didn't know and I am sorry. My friend had that and unfortunately she had to have surgery, but didn't complain about the pain, just not getting around! I am so glad to see you put non-stamping stuff on your blog. I was unsure if I should but wanted to so one picture of Joely and her cousins is ok! I plan to put some family stuff on like you! But your blog has always been my fave!
We were looking at property down there to buy!!! 4 families...in Surprise! Is that close to you?
Nancy, I love hearing about your family...you are a great Mom.
I too have a son who turned 14 in August and I know exactly whre you are coming from.
About your foot...Ouch.
I have had plantar facitis and I too recently experienced a heel spur. I too delayed any type of help which only made the heel spur much more inflamed. Pyhsio Therapy will definitely help. I have custome orthotics too and when I do not wear them my foot gets sore. I was hoping for a cortisone shot but the doctors are trying to get away from this sort of thing...not sure why.
I suppose all the years being on my feet (swim instructor/lifeguard walking on cement, pharmacy technitian, child care worker) has not been helpful.
My suggestion once your heel is no longer inflamed and bearable to touch...Pedicures (can't hurt)
Take care of yourself Nancy.
My sympathies on your foot - been there several times. The cortisone shot is painful, but it's worth it, and as another poster said, the pain only lasts a minute. I've struggled with plantar fasceitis for years, in both feet (thankfully, not at the same tieme!)Finally had the shockwave procedure and after 8 months(!) it's fixed. Hopefully the therapy and shot will do it for you!
Happy Birthday to Drew! He is definitely your son with his good looks! I sure hope your foot heals well. I completely know all about "babying" your health issues and "hoping" they will go away. All the best with your therapy!
I had the plantar facilitis -- ouch big time -- I had two cortisone shots -- all they did was hurt -- awwwww -- my friend was selling magnets at the time -- so I relutantly agreed to try the shoe inserts -- it worked for me! crazy as it sounds! Hope you find relief soon -- believe me -- I understand --Sandy
Happy Birthday! Sounds like he had a great birthday! Good luck with your foot. I had surgery on my foot this summer, it was very difficult to recover. I hope the therapy works well for you!
Happy Birthday Drew! Sounds like you had a wonderful weekend! You know you have one of the best mommy's around! Hope your having a wonderful week Nancy!
Thinking of you,
Jennifer :)
happy birthday to drew! you have a handsome young man there! on a side note...i have been a hairdresser for 15 years and have had the "his hair is too long" conversation so many times....the advice i always give moms is...if his hair being too long is the worst thing he uses to "express" himself you are in good shape...and by the sounds of things...you are in great shape!!! Sounds like you have a very nice yougn man.
Happy belated birthday Drew! I am so so sorry to hear your foot problem is persisting! Ouch! I am sending you love and blessings! Deb
I have had that cortizone shot several times. It only hurts for a minute and works fairly quickly. I also went to walmart and got some insoles for my shoes called "tri stride" bright fushia and yellow. Cant miss them. good luck.
Beth F
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