I am really poor at keeping up with these awards and tags, and have had to do some back tracking. If you've tagged me, and I haven't listed you, please bring it to my attention and I'll be sure to link you!
I received this Brillante Weblog award 4 times over! ... by Carol Frerichs (Stamp Like Crazy), Diane Gilbert (My Little Stampin' Spot), Lorri Heiling (Confessions of a Stamping Addict), and Charmaine Ikach (Oodabug Alley). Thanks, girls!
I'll tag seven of my favorite blogs ...
Jen, JenTapler Designs
Mauna, Ink~Paper~Scissors
Toni, I'll Be Stamped!
Pam, Creative Inking
Wendy, It's All About Stamping!
Lisa, My Little Creative Escape
LeAnne, Wee Inklings
Sorry to hear about your feet issues! My DD had this and it took a couple of days to feel better, then she wore Dr. Scholls inserts in her high heels. She wears heels everyday in her profession! Lol! I wish you well! Deb
Hey Nancy - I hope you feel better soon....!!! Hugs ~Silke~
Just wanted to give you a couple tips. I have heel spurs (both feet). Don't waste your money on the $125 (that's what they cost a few years ago) insoles the Dr. will try to sell you. I bought them. The ones at Wal-Mart/Target work just as well and are much cheaper...more $ for stamps. :) The thing that helped me the most was also free! Keep a can of veggies/soup on your nightstand. Before you put any pressure on your feet, roll your feet back and forth on the can. It will stretch things out. Does that make sense? Anyway, I hope you get to feeling better! I LOVE your blog!
Oh goodness girl...hope you are feeling better soon!
Poor you! My mom suffered from the same issue. She found that massage helped alot and she saw a physio for treatment. Hope you are feeling better soon!
It took me almost 10 months, podiatrist, xrays to confirm heel spur, night splint, new shoes and new orthopedic inserts. Don't mess with this! Mine all stems for most part from wearing old shoes/crocs/flipflops/ with no arch support. Buy a good pair of motion control running shoes (see a running store--they're hard to find). I didn't buy my Doc's inserts, but he also suggested Birkenstock (which are the sandals I wear inside the house at all times, especially on hard floors)Maxium arch support inserts. They feel strange at first, but I immediately felt relief and had somewhat of a normal day...I could at least walk without pain. Take care of your feet and here's hoping you are pain free soon! As always, your cards are da'bomb!
Sorry you are having foot problems. I have plantar fasciatis and know it's no fun. If it's a heel spur you can fix it with surgery. With PF it will take more time and a lot of trial and error to find what will bring relief. Best wishes!
HI Nancy! I hope you're feeling better. I see you've received lots of advice and I had to add my 2 cents. I've never actually experienced either, but I am a physical therapist and treat both conditions quite often. Not much you can do about a heel spur - it's an anatomical thing that isn't going to just go away. Plantar fasciitis is another story. The custom orthotics are worth the high price IF they are trully CUSTOM - they should do a pressure assessment (you stand on a cool machine that measures the amount of pressure at every single point on your foot), take molds of your feet, and send the molds off to an orthotist who will make orthotics specifically for your feet. Good arch support is very important, but it needs to fit YOUR feet - the differences in individual feet are almost as varied as a fingerprint. Also, you should really consider asking your doctor for a physical therapy referral (a referral might not even be required in your state - you could just call a PT and find out). Ask specifically for a treatment called iontophoresis. It's an electromodality that uses an anti-inflammatory medication on a patch that is placed over the insertion of the plantar fascia. The medication is "pushed" into the tissue with electricity. This is much better than taking an oral anti-inflammatory as it is more localized and less of the medication is circulated through your entire body (but much more comfortable than a cortisone injection, which can also be extremely helpful). I have had very good success using iontophoresis (specifically with the medication dexamethasone) in treating plantar fasciitis. But it does usually take around 4 to 6 treatments and you want to have it done at least twice a week. Anyway, hope that helps. Feel free to e-mail me if you have any questions. JenniferTapler@msn.com. I could also e-mail you some exercises that can be helpful.
I found your blog by following links on different blogs. I love your cards. Imagine my surprise when I find out you have either a spur or PF. I was just diagnosed with a plantar spur and have an appointment the end of Sept. with a podiatrist. I am thrilled to have seen all the advice given here, I tell you, our stamping friends are the very best. I hope your foot issues are under control, right now I am walking in a walking boot and using OTC Dr. Scholls inserts.
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