We found a prom dress for Allie on Saturday, and she was asked to prom on Friday which made it even more important to find "the dress". We found a gorgeous red dress that was, by no surprise, over my budget ... ughh!
My cousin, Crystal, from North Carolina spent a couple of days with us, and left yesterday. We hadn't seen each other for about 23 years (she was 5 or 6 when I last saw her!). We had a great time getting re-acquainted, and showing her the diversity of Arizona by driving her to Montezuma's Castle, through Sedona, Oak Creek Canyon, Flagstaff, and back to Phoenix on Monday.
I am holding two stamp classes in my home tomorrow and have been preparing for those yesterday and today.
I'm looking forward to stamping again after I get Allie off to Tampa, Florida for Spring Break on Saturday. She's traveling with her best friend and her family....lucky girl!

Two of the most talented stampers I know awarded me with this beautiful "You Make My Day" award: Laura from Scrapnextras, and Chat from Me, My Stamps, and I. Laura and Chat inspire me DAILY with their creativity!
Every single one of my readers make my day, especially when you leave awesome comments! Comments mean so much, and are so very motivating! Feel free to consider yourself tagged just for reading, okay?! Here are just a few of the awesome bloggers that leave me lots of comments that make my days:
Pesc, Pescbrico
Jimi, Stamping With Jimi
Alex, California Stampin'
Amy, amygdesigns
Nancy, that is fabulous news about your daughter! Prom is huge isn't it? We don't have those things here in Canada. She must be so excited! Hope she has a fabulous Spring Break in Florida!
Wow...that is a long time to not see your cousin. THAT must have been so exciting getting to know her all over again!!!
You totally deserve that award my friend!!
Hope you get some stamping time in soon!
Sounds like you have been super busy! It would be fun to go back in time and shop for a prom dress with my daughter again. Cherish those moments they fly by!!!!
Have fun getting ready for your classes...wish I could be there!
Congratulations on you tag and thanks for thinking of me about it! :)
I'm happy for your daughter, even if your budget does not like it. I'm sure she will be so very happy. We could not do that all the time to our budget but hey life is short! :)
sounds like you have been busy, nancy !!!very excited to hear about your news !!!!!
take it easy, girl,
WHOOHOO - found the perfect prom dress, we gals know how important that is!! Do we get to see??? How exciting! As for my honorable mention, thanks so much! You have an AWESOME blog, you are truly talented, but more importantly, you are such a sweetheart! So, you make my day too! *STAMPIN HUGS* Alex
You have been one super busy lady! Hope you find some relaxing time now that spring break is here. ;)
Thanks for thinking of me Nancy. You are just super sweet and you always make my day too! ;)
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